We have an eternal high priest, who saves completely and is always interceding for those who have accepted his call.  No more sacrifices, no more laws, traditions, rituals, good works or religion can make us more righteous if we are His!  Jesus’ blood sacrifice on the cross has saved us completely.

He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself.  Hebrews 7:27b

He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most  Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption. Hebrews 9:12.

But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with the sin by the sacrifice of himself. Hebrews 9:26b

And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ once for all.   Hebrews 10:10.

No more guilt, No more shame.  Because of this unfathomable gift,  the slate on which our sins have been written has been erased forever (Hebrews 10:17.).  Once and for all.

If you have been saved by the blood of Jesus and died to yourself through baptism you are clothed in righteousness!  Years ago, I dealt with a lot of guilt and shame that I just couldn’t get past.  One day, the Holy Spirit, instructed me to quit reminding God.  I had to say this every time my shame surfaced, and eventually my it went away.

If you’re still living with guilt and shame – Quit Reminding God.  

If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior, he’s offering a free gift. Freedom and eternal life with him!  Believe in Him today, ask him to be the Lord of your life, and have yourself washed clean in the waters of baptism.  Trust that he has your back and your future covered – once and for all.
